Tapping on Bass Guitar Lesson #6 
                                          Ian Stephenson 

Having covered the third pretty thoroughly last time, we're now going
to consider the interval of a fifth - largely from a practical point
of view, I'm sure some of you will be glad to hear!

Fifths are found throughout the major scale (any note, except the 7th,
and the note 4 places above it form a "perfect" fifth).  However, more
importantly right now - a fifth is found between the root and the third
note of any triad:

                    |  \   | .             O        
                    |      / .       O  
                    |    /     O
                               1     3     5
                               ^           ^      

Quite usefully, because of the way major and minor thirds combine to
form major and minor chords, it doesn't matter if the chord is major
or minor - the fifth is always the same.  It's (almost) always safe
to play a fifth!  Often in rock the chord is left unspecified (Maj/Min),
as this sounds good on an overdriven guitar.  Hence the root and fifth
together form the basis of the rock guitarist's arsenal - the Power Chord.

OK - enough waffling.  I promised this would be a practical lesson so
let's play some fifths.

Hammer on (with your left hand) an E at the twelfth fret of the E string.
Now play its octave at the 14th fret of the D string with your right
index finger as normal, but raise your elbow slightly to angle your arm
more, and play a B at the 16th fret of the G string with your third finger.
You might also find it useful to angle your wrist down a little so your
fingers run diagonally across the fretboard.



                                          -O-  ---

                                          ---  ---
                    |  \   | .  #                   
|---------16----|   |---@--|--#------------------------ 
|------14-------|   |      / .       O  
|---------------|   |-----/------#--------------------- 
|---12----------|   |    /     #
       T  T         |---/------------------------------ 

Once comfortable with that try playing both notes at once:




                    |  \   | .  #                   
|-------16------|   |---@--|--#------------------------ 
|-------14------|   |      / .       O  
|---------------|   |-----/------#--------------------- 
|---12----------|   |    /     #
        T           |---/------------------------------ 

Harmonically, we can use a fifth anywhere we would use a fourth (as
moving up a fifth is equivalent to dropping down a fourth and vice
versa), so to go back to an old standby we could play:

                                      O                                 O
                     ---             ---            -O-         -O-    ---

                 -O- --- -O-         ---            ---         ---    ---
                                  O       O                           O   O
                 --- --- ---     --- --- ---    -O- --- -O-   -O- -O---- ---
|  \   | .  #                |               |              |                |
|      / .     O             |               |              |              . |
|    /     #                 |               | O            | O            . |
|                            |               |              |                |
|             E              | D             | C            | C     D        |
|                            |               |              |                |

Yes, it's "All Along the WatchTower" AGAIN!  However, this is the second
most common chord pressing in rock music so it's worth learning to play
well (Try listening out for it sometime - it's everywhere!).  Go back to
the previous exercises and try applying the variations we applied to them
to this new version (remember we're now playing it in the key of E, but the
previous version was in A).

If you compare the two versions of this progression (fourths vs. fifths),
you'll probably find you prefer the old version.  Excessive use of fifths
tends to sound thin (at least in this context), so they're usually used
only in passing and as part of more complex chords (you'll see what I mean
next time).

Because of this, it's hard to find a good final example that uses fifths
to a great extent.  The example I've chosen is the end of the bass intro
to "Had Enough" by Mr. Big, and uses both left and right hand double
stopped fifths.  The full intro is pretty hairy, but this bit is quite
easy and is instantly recognizable:

    T   H     H          T  H    H           H P H

You should now be able to put together most basic chord progressions,
by playing roots (and perhaps fifths) with your left hand, and by
playing fourths (5th + Octave), Thirds (Root + Third), and Fifths
(Root + Fifth) with your right.  For homework, try working out some
I, IV, V progressions with the root on both the E and A strings, and
using, in turn, each of the right hand intervals you've seen here.

For example, in the key of A, you could start in any of these places:

|-----14-------| |-----21-------| |-----18-------|
|-----14-------| |-----19-------| |-----19-------|
|--------------| |--------------| |--------------|
|--5-----------| |--5-----------| |--5-----------|

|--------------| |--------------| |--------------|
|-----7--------| |-----14-------| |-----11-------|
|-----7--------| |-----12-------| |-----12-------|
|--5-----------| |--5-----------| |--5-----------|

|-----14-------| |-----21-------| |-----18-------|
|-----14-------| |-----19-------| |-----19-------|
|--12----------| |--12----------| |--12----------|
|--------------| |--------------| |--------------|


LESSON POINTS: Right Hand Fifths

Previous tapping and slapping lessons are available via FTP from
KAPPA.RICE.EDU in the directory /pub/bass/lessons.  If you do not
have FTP, and wish to retrieve the lessons via email, send mail to
ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com with the message "help".