SCALES         last revision - 8/21/94 - By Roy Truelove
For those of you who don't know many scales, here's the file for
you. Scales for the most part are used in soloing, and you have
to know what scaleto use when.  Hopefully, this file will help
you out.

NOTE: This is not a complete list of scales. I created this file
for people to download, change and/or add to, and then upload
again. I only know a few scales and those are the scales that are
included. If there are any scales that you know that aren't on
this file (and I know there are) please upload it to the nevada
archives and change the date on the top of the file.


     This is the form you will see the scales in----

 4 ||||||
 5 |OOO||
 6 O|||OO

Looks confusing, right? If you're farmiliar with chord charts,
these are almost the same.  The letters on the top represent the
6 different strings, and the numbers on the side represent fret
numbers. So the lowest note on this scale would be played on the
low E string, 3rd fret. The scales are played from low to high. 
So the next would be played on the low E string, 6th fret. And
the next,on the A string, 3rd fret. Get it? So once you get to
the top, you can go back down the scale. After you get used to
the scale, you can start playing around with it, and start
impressing your friends.

All of the scales I will show you are in the key of G.  You can
easily transpose
by moving the scale up or down a fret. ( I ask that others who
add scales also
put them in the key of G.)

Now, on to the scales - 


     These are the most basic scales, and the ones used most
often in solos.

Here they are (with my favorate one first) - 

   ______     ______     ______     ______     __OO__
3  OOOOOO   5 |OOO||   7 |||O||  10 OOOO|O   1 OO||OO
4  |O||||   6 O||OOO   8 OOO|OO  11 ||O|O|   2 ||||O|
5  |OOO||   7 |||O||   9 OOOO|O  12 ||OO||   3 OOOOOO
6  O||OOO   8 OOO|OO  10 ||||O|  13 OO||OO

Note that there are 5 scales above, not just one mushed together


     These scales are also pretty common, and are mostly used in
a major key or a major progression. You'll just have to try them
and see-

   ______     ______     ______     ______
2  |OOO||  11 |OOOOO   9 ||OO||   3 O|||||
3  O|||OO  12 ||||||  10 |O||OO   4 ||||||
4  |||O||  13 |OOO||  11 ||||||   5 OOO|||
5  OOO|OO  14 O|||OO  12 |OOOOO   6 ||||||
                                  7 OOOO||
                                  8 ||||OO
                                  9 ||OO||
                                 10 ||||OO
                                 11 ||||||
                                 12 ||||OO

Any corrections, comments, anything, please send to