We specialize in web page designs for anyone who would
like a web page but feels the price is too high. We
have lowered that price to make web page design affordable
to just about everyone. We work with your ideas and
incorporated them in professional made templates.
This web page is an example of that. More web page examples
above. Just click on Samples.
But maybe you don't want such a "business" look to your
web site. We also create more personal pages with perhaps
fuzzy little bunnies or dragons. But, unfortunately, these
kinds of web page design cost more than the cookie
cutter kind described above. But we do a lot to keep
costs down on these as well.
Let us help you get your dreams, ideas and concepts online.
In today's world it's really hard to keep updated on current
events of family that's out of state or even out of town.
Put up a web site full of family pictures. Like weddings,
teaparties, anniversaries, or birthday parties. One customer
had us create a Happy Birthday web page for her daughter.
Another customer had us set up a web page with a message
board system and uses it for family messages.
Sorry we don't handle porn or x rated web pages.
Samples and Real Web Sites Links:
Please view our work. The above menu has an option
for Sample Web Sites and another option for Real Web Sites.
The Sample Web Sites are web pages we dreamed up and can
use as templates. The Real Web Sites are the web sites
we design. Each listing in the Real Web Sites is an active
and valid web site.
We will also work with new web masters. These are the people
who want to create and develop a web page but don't yet have
the experience or skills. Normally this is a free service. They
give us the URL and we go have a look see at their html code.
Then if we see why something isn't working or is doing something
weird, we email the new web master so they can fix it.
We can also become your web master for a small monthly fee.
Web mastering a web site, means keeping all the links valid
and making changes and additions and subtractions as the web
site grows.
Click here to see blank templates
The Goals Of Our Company
- Keep the cost of quality, professional looking web page design low.
- To give new web masters help with their new html creations
- To get our customer's web pages online
- To let our customer's creative paint flow through our artist pens
The web is a dark place if we don't have your light to help light it up.
When You Have More Ideas Then Money For A Web Page, We Can Help.
Get your voice heard online. The world really wants to read your
poetry, see your animations, see your background and button ideas,
hear your songs, your diet ideas, or health ideas and experiences.