Story Time With Peggy Halliday Young _ MaLizze And The Shoes page 2 (Book 7)

"That's easy," exclaims Boy. "MaLizze has given our shoes to the chickens because they go barefoot." "Chickens are always clucking about going barefoot!" laughs Girl. "The chickens don't look very happy wearing shoes." Mother offers. "They are not happy," says Father. "They can't scratch in the dirt, or run fast, or do the things chicken are supposed to do." The family run outdoors. Standing in a line they all begin to chant "We work hard everyday and now we go barefoot, barefoot, barefoot. We work hard everyday and now we go barefoot." "Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk," MaLizze hangs her head. "Buk Buk Buk Buk, Ba-Daw-Cut," the chickens answer and gather around MaLizze. They take off the shoes and MaLizze gathers them up piling them neatly in front of Father. Happily , the family picks up their shoes and returns to the house. "HONK HONK HONK," MaLizze calls after them which means: "One should never try to put the family's shoes on the family's chickens."
MaLizze And The Shoes page 2 of 2 (book 7)